Lia Pinelli Coaching

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Ep 29: How to Handle Food Pushers

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8/11/21 | 21:37 | Episode 29

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Eating foods that will bring you joy and make you feel good in the long run is difficult enough.

But, when you’re surrounded by people who sometimes push you to eat when you’re not hungry makes it even that more difficult.

You’ll start to feel bad that you have to reject them. In the end, you’ll give in, and accept the offer. You’ll eat, even though you don’t want to eat that food, even though you’re not hungry.

Just to appease other people’s emotions. And this happens for good reason. Our brains are wired to fall into a community, and evolved to do everything it takes for you to stay in that community.

Being ostracized from the tribe might have meant death for our primal ancestors. Even though today luckily we don’t face that danger, our brain is not aware it’s out of the woods.

It’s still stuck in survival mode. So it tells us to make the choices that will make other people happy.

But, if we continue along this path, we will go into unwanted territory. We’ll start to overeat, we will undo the good work we were doing by eating healthy and only when we are hungry.

So what if we reject other people sometimes? It’s for our own good. Nothing bad will happen if we don’t succumb to their wishes. It’s our body we’re talking about, and we’ll do whatever the hell we want with it. And we want it to be healthy. We want our minds to be healthy.

So I want you to listen to today’s episode in which I talk about this more. You’ll hear me go over:

  • How to deal with people that push you towards eating what you don’t want to eat and when you’re not hungry.

  • Tools with which you can learn to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re not.


FREE What Type of Overeater Are You? Quiz

Learn to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not

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