Ep 122: I Gained Weight


10/30/23 | 30:37 | Episode 122

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Lia Pinelli acknowledges her podcast listeners and their commitment to creating the life they crave.

  • She shares a story of a listener who booked a call with her after being inspired by the podcast.

  • Lia expresses her desire to connect with her audience and encourages them to reach out.

Discussion on Weight Gain

  • Lia discusses her own experience with unexpected weight gain, particularly five stubborn pounds around her midsection.

  • She mentions perimenopause as a possible contributing factor to the weight gain.

  • Lia emphasizes that the number on the scale is not the main issue; it's about how comfortable you feel in your own skin.

  • She talks about her conversations with her doctor to explore potential causes of the weight gain.

The Process of Addressing Weight Gain

  • Lia shares the process she followed to understand and address her weight gain.

  • She encourages listeners to go through a similar process.

  • The process involves identifying hunches about the cause, experimenting with changes in diet or lifestyle, and observing the results.

The Impact of Stress and Alcohol

  • Lia considers stress as a potential factor in weight gain and explains how cortisol can affect weight.

  • She discusses her alcohol consumption and its possible role in her weight gain.

  • Lia emphasizes the importance of curiosity and an empirical approach to making changes.

Changing the Narrative

  • Lia reveals that her biggest realization was not the weight gain itself but the shift in her mindset.

  • She talks about the danger of obsessing over food and weight.

  • Lia advises listeners to change their narrative from victimization to curiosity, love, and empowerment.

  • She highlights the importance of choosing affirmations that align with one's beliefs and actions.

Empowerment and Choices

  • Lia emphasizes that changing the narrative is a choice.

  • She suggests that if you love your eating habits and don't want to change them, changing the narrative can be a powerful solution.

  • For those struggling with their eating behaviors, Lia offers assistance and invites them to connect for further guidance.

Closing and Invitation

  • Lia invites listeners to visit her website (liapinelli.com) to learn more about her coaching and book a call with her.

  • She outlines the three main objectives of a call with her: understanding your struggles, clarifying your goals, and making empowered decisions.


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Connect with Lia Pinelli


Ep 123: Elevated Holiday Eating


Ep 121: Transformed & Confident: Diane's 25-Pound Weight Loss Journey