Lia Pinelli Coaching

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Ep 22: How To Build A Habit That Sticks For Good

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5/30/21 | 16:07 | Episode 22

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There are a lot of things working against you when you start building a healthy habit.

It’s not easy every time you wake up at 6 am to run those five miles. Or choosing a salad instead of a burrito.

But you need to do it anyway. Habits stick if they are repeated enough. After a while, they will become automatic. Waking up won’t feel like a chore, deciding to go for the healthier choice on the menu will come easily to you.

The number one obstacle that you have during this process is your brain, and your thoughts. Those pesky thoughts that nudge you towards eating the pizza, or hitting the snooze button over and over.

Until you decide to break the chain of negative thoughts. Start noticing them, acknowledging them, and reminding yourself that they’re not you.

It’s here where you remind yourself why you are doing those things. You do them to feel better, to look better, and to enjoy life. To be there for your friends and family.

A little discipline is a small price to pay for getting those things. It’s totally in your power to do so. And, that is why in today’s episode, I talk about:

  • What to do when those negative thoughts appear.

  • How to interrupt the barrage of negative images appearing in your mind.

  • The five second rule and how it can help you to stick to your habits.

  • Why motivation follows action, and not the other way around.

  • Why the 21-day rule for building new habits is bullshit.

You’ll always have negative thoughts, not just during your weight loss journey.

Dealing with those thoughts, and not letting them run your life, will have a tremendous domino effect in all areas of your life.


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