Lia Pinelli Coaching

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Ep 5: The Problem With Portion Control

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2/1/21 | 11:14 | Episode 5

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You’ve heard it a million times: If you only control your portions, then you can lose weight, you can have a better relationship with food, and so on. But, these blanket statements don’t dive into the essence of the problem. Truth is, portion control rarely works. 

It may on some occasions get you to shed some pounds. But, more often than not, there are hormonal and neurobiological aspects in play that largely influence what we eat and how much we eat.

If you constantly struggle with portion control, there might be a hormonal explanation for your overeating urges.

So tune in to today’s episode, where I share:

  • The two main things at play when it comes to portion control and overeating.

  • The alternative to portion control that was a game-changer for my relationship with food.

  • The main reason you’re overeating.

  • How to have a relationship with hunger that is productive, and not destructive.

  • The well intentioned advice that you shouldn’t listen to.

  • Tips on restoring your hormonal balance so that your eating urges don’t go out of whack.

  • The difference between physical and emotional “bullshit” hunger.

The bottom line is, you can trust yourself around food, and you can trust yourself with hunger. The body is constantly sending you signals that it’s hungry. It also alarms you when it’s fed. 

You are the one that is sometimes misreading its signals, and shuns its evolutionary wisdom. Never eat unless you’re really hungry. And I don’t mean starving.

If you’re hungry, and you don’t have a physical sensation of hunger, it’s probably an emotional urge to eat. And this is the moment where we most often overeat. 

By overriding this urge, and simply responding to the body’s signals, we can transform our attitude towards eating. 

Next time you feel that pang of hunger, pause, and be mindful of what your body and mind are saying. In time, you’ll know who’s telling the truth.


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