Ep 6: Why You Are Not Committing


2/08/21 | 9:20 | Episode 6

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You know the drill. Come New Year’s time, or before the summer vacations, you decide to go on a particular diet or exercise plan. But, after a while, you fail to stick to the routine, and start beating yourself up for not following through.

This used to be me. I’ve gone through the fad diet plans and exercise routines, and then replaced them with new ones. And again, I beat myself up for not following through on them as well.

Thing is, this is a total waste of time and a huge drain of energy. We need to go to the root of the problem. Why aren’t we following through on a commitment we made to ourselves? What thoughts invade our brain when we’re thinking of calling it quits?

Most importantly, why are we letting ourselves down over and over?

There is an answer. And that’s why I want you to listen to today’s episode, where I talk about:

  • The stories we tell ourselves about the reasons we don’t follow through.

  • The power you have over deciding how to treat your body and mind.

  • Fail-proof tips to follow through on your weight loss commitments.

  • The questions you need to ask yourself when you feel that voice that’s telling you to quit.

  • The power of mini-commitments.

  • Systems vs goals.

  • The key difference between the people who achieve goals and those who don’t.

It all boils down to a decision. Do you prioritize yourself and your goals instead of those of other people? You are in control, you have it in you to stay on the path.

Start implementing some of the things you hear in this episode, today. You might find that when that voice comes, it will run its course, leaving you with the power to make lifestyle choices that you actually like.


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