Ep 47: From Self-Loathing to Self-Love: Dawn's Story


12/20/21 | 39:48 | Episode 47

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If you want to hear from someone that applied EVERYTHING I preach on The Life You Crave, you NEED to listen to today’s episode. 

Dawn is a therapist from the San Francisco Bay Area, and a real life personal transformation swiss-knife. 

She’s been through it all, and is here today to reveal it all. 

No matter where you are on your weight loss journey, you’ll learn a thing or two (or ten!) from Dawn’s experience. She struggled with weight loss for a long time, and hated exercise even longer.

Today, she loves how exercise makes her feel, and is even using exercise as a means of bonding with her daughter. It’s because she unlocked the key to true transformation: doing it from a place of love and kindness.

She no longer runs from food, but embraces how it makes her feel. Food is no longer a crutch, it’s something she enjoys, while still losing weight. So, strap in and her hear share:

  • How she no longer hates dressing up in the morning.  

  • What she wants her daughter to learn from her weight loss journey.

  • How she now enjoys holidays without worrying about what she’s gonna eat.

  • How she started off hating her body, and arrived at a place where she is comfortable in her skin.

  • The tools she used to move from self-loathing, to self-love.

  • The things she now implements that provide her enjoyment, without feeling bad about what she eats.

Dawn is a true badass, and a role model for all women struggling to lose weight. She is now the confident woman she envisioned a long time ago when she started her journey.

Do the work, and in no time, you’ll be the one admiring what you see in the mirror.


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Ep 48: Karen Achieved Food Freedom in Just 90 Days


Ep 46: Mother & Daughter Find Food Freedom