Ep 7: How To Reclaim Calm In The Chaos


2/15/21 | 14:54 | Episode 7

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In the last 24 hours, I’ve been in panic mode. With schools closed, and people frenzied over storing food and toilet paper like it’s running out, the stress finally got to me.

I wondered whether I’ll be able to get fresh produce and other foods for my family.

But, eventually, I got back to my senses. A lesson emerged from the chaos. And the lesson is that panic is damaging. Damaging to our psyche, damaging to life. Panic comes out of fear, and fear is the mind-killer.

In these trying times, we need to act from a place of love and clearheadedness, instead out of fear.

That is why today, I want to share my top five ways that immensely helped me to reduce my stress levels during this period.

You’ll learn:

  • Why moving and light exercise are a game changer for your mood in stressful times.

  • Mindfulness and its effects on reducing your stress levels.

  • The power of journaling in making anxiety lose its hold over you.

  • The importance of avoiding herd mentality and making your own decisions.

  • How to deal with the difficult feelings that appear on a daily basis these days.

  • Why it’s important to look for the beauty around you, despite the turmoil.

  • The damaging effect of media exposure on our cortisol levels.

The next time we see those empty supermarket aisles, and fear for our safety and the safety of those we love, we need to ask ourselves one question.

Will our next step be made out of fear, or out of love? Will we put gasoline on the fire, or make rational decisions that will bring us peace of mind?

Despite what those around you and the media are telling you, you can make this decision for yourself.

Break the chain of negative thoughts by applying the steps you hear in this episode.


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Ep 8: How Being A People Pleaser Is Holding You Back


Ep 6: Why You Are Not Committing