Ep 45: Safa's Story of Food Freedom


12/06/21 | 25:08 | Episode 45

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It’s easy to talk about weight loss and personal transformation. Today’s guest has actually walked the walk. 

Safa Shaneeb is a Libyan-American traveling the world seeking and creating stories. She is also the silliest mommy in the world, and today she shares her experience losing unwanted weight and finding herself. 

Safa has implemented many of the things I talk about here on The Life You Crave. They worked for her, and they will work for you.

Transforming yourself always comes from within. Don’t wait on anybody or anything. It all starts with you. With you deciding that you want a better life. With you planning the steps that will lead you to food freedom. 

Safa has emerged from the other side wide-eyed and willing to spill the beans. You’ll hear us talk about:

  • Safa’s path to internal transformation, and how it also led to her external transformation. 

  • How motherhood influenced Safa’s weight loss journey.

  • How self-trust helped Safa to transform her relationship with food.

  • The way Safa managed to shift her perspective to any situation in life, and adopt the mindset of learning instead of failing.

  • How mindfulness and meditation helped Safa to be more present with her family.

  • The tools that helped her identify the thought patterns that were damaging to her psyche.

  • Boundaries and how Safa established them with relatives and friends who are “food pushers”.

  • How Safa’s journey has also influenced her child’s eating patterns.

  • How self-compassion and self-soothing helped Safa to feel good even when she slips-up.

We can learn a lot from Safa. So, find out what led to her transformation, and start the journey to yours.


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Ep 46: Mother & Daughter Find Food Freedom


Ep 44: How to Recover from Overeating with Grace