Ep 93: An Unexpected Approach to Hack Holiday Overeating in 4 Steps


11/14/22 | 19:44 | Episode 93

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In this episode I share with you the most important thing you need to do in order to not overeat your way through the stress of the holidays.

Step 1: Ask yourself the question: What would I love?

Our habits don’t change permanently without a fundamental shift in who we are being. In order to shift who you’re being, you must know to your core who you most want to be. So ask yourself, what would I love? And see what surfaces. Allow yourself to dream in images of what a holiday would look like if it was an experience that you loved.
Step 2: Write it down. Don’t skip this! Put it in your journal, and be sure to record the feelings you want to experience there as well.

Step 3: Brainstorm, just for funsies, what it could look like. 

But everyone would be so disappointed!! You say. I can’t do that. That would be so selfish.

That brings me to…

Step 4: Be willing to let others be disappointed in you. You can’t please everyone all the time, and when you live from a place of self-authenticity and, most importantly self-authority it feels good– way better than people-pleasing.

We overeat for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is we eat to avoid uncomfortable feelings– and holiday stress and overwhelm can last for months! I invite you to investigate– indeed, interrogate, the root of your stress and overwhelm and consider making some changes this holiday season. You might just be surprised at how increasing your joy factor and decreasing you stress factor impacts your eating habits. 

Come join us for the ⚡Hack Holiday Overeating without Deprivation⚡ Free Virtual Masterclass where I’ll be teaching you my 6-step method to not overeat🤩, not feel deprived🤩, and actually increase your pleasure & satisfaction over the holidays🙌. Go to liapinelli.com/holidayhack to sign up!


FREE What Type of Overeater Are You? Quiz

Learn to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not

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Ep 94: Fall In Love with Fitness with Sherry Shaban


Ep 92: "More than just weight loss" Erin's Story