Ep 64: Why I Still Plan What I Eat
04/26/22 | 24:41 | Episode 64
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In this episode you will learn why I still plan what I’m going to eat in advance. Planning is the key to ending self-sabotage and losing unwanted weight and in this episode I teach you how you can use the power of planning to achieve your goals, too.
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Kai’s birthday
Planned for eating out
Feeling horrible after eating out and drinking lately, trying to figure it out
Fried foods bother me, so I planned for none because I was drinking
Planned to eat protein while drinking
Ordered, it was all fried, so I chose 3 small things and stopped– no fries. This worked because I planned it, I thought about it ahead of time. My brain suggested the fries many times, but I was using my higher brain because I was prepared.
Planned for cake.
All went great, felt great
Keep in mind I’ve intentionally built trust with myself over the last 5 years!! It takes practice and this is what we do strategically in 90 Days.
Next day, didn’t plan
Ate a piece of cake at lunch– I was tired, by brain suggested it, it “sounded good” “just today” etc.
No shame or guilt, just curious observation… what was different? The planning
Why we plan in the first place
Upper vs. lower brain lesson
Why we can’t trust our lower brain
Why we use our upper brain
She knows what’s up! She knows what you want!
Join my 90 Days program to map all of this out for you
When you learn exactly what to eat to end your over hunger and your cravings, plus you learn how to stop sabotaging your goals i.e. emotional eating, you will be able to focus all of your energy on being who you want to be with food… the woman who can enjoy her son’s birthday party without guilt or deprivation.
I recommend you plan what you’re going to eat 24 hours in advance, and then reflect on what you actually ate. When you see that you didn’t eat what you’d planned, or don’t plan, like I did, get curious instead of critical, learn, and show up differently next time.
In my 90 Days program I walk you through all four pillars of this work so that you, too, can stop overeating and lose unwanted weight for the LAST TIME.