Ep 8: How Being A People Pleaser Is Holding You Back


2/22/21 | 8:28 | Episode 8

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Here’s a secret: You don’t HAVE to do anything. You have a choice.

Being a people pleaser can be really tiring. And if you’re one, you need to listen to today’s episode.

When you get into what I call “obligation thinking”, it traps you inside your mind. It makes you feel guilt if you don’t pepper to the whims and wishes of friends, colleagues, and family members.

I know, it’s difficult to say no to family. It may hurt their feelings, and you’ll feel queasy after rejecting them. You’re human, it’s OK to feel that.

But, not to the point of losing yourself. This goes for overeating as well. Sometimes you eat to please other people. If you lead from a point of pleasing people, when someone offers you their homemade treats, you’ll eat that donut, you’ll eat that pie.

When you spend your energy this way, you’re robbing people of your authentic personality. The truth is you can’t possibly please everyone. So, today you’ll hear me talk about:

  • Why pleasing other people leads to misery for yourself.

  • How putting other people’s priorities first is disingenuous.

  • Why constantly pleasing people is manipulative.

  • How you can do things because you want to do them, not because you feel an obligation to do so.

Remember, you don’t owe anyone anything. You are responsible for your life, for your choices. You’re the first person you need to make happy. It’s the only way you can really make other people happy.

Not by managing other people’s emotions. By taking care of yours first.


FREE What Type of Overeater Are You? Quiz

Learn to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not

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Ep 9: Negative Self-Talk Isn't Helping You Reach Your Goals


Ep 7: How To Reclaim Calm In The Chaos