Lia Pinelli Coaching

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Ep 17: How To Stop Giving In

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4/25/21 | 9:51 | Episode 17

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This episode is all about stopping the “cookie train”. You know how it goes. You eat one cookie, so you say one more isn’t gonna hurt. You’ll wake up in the morning and burn it off in the gym. In a matter of seconds, you see an empty jar staring at you.

Your brain is constantly negotiating with you, not just about eating cookies. It always wants to feel good, better, so it’s leading you towards eating more, drinking more.

Binging is harmless if it’s a one-off occasion. But, if it happens often, it leads you to developing an unhealthy relationship with food. It brings shame and self-hate to the table.

And it’s hard to get rid of these feelings. It’s better to don’t allow them through the door in the first place.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to be kind with yourself even during these moments. In fact, it’s especially important during those moments. Once you treat yourself with love after you’ve screwed up, you’ll see that the world hasn’t ended because you overate.

Being mindful like that is the first step towards getting you to a place where you will feel comfortable with dieting, and even feeling wonderful because of it.

In this episode, you’ll hear me talk about:

  • How your “toddler brain” sabotages your weight loss goals.

  • The power of planning out your meals and how this can prevent binging.

  • Why introducing more discipline in your life will bring you more freedom.

  • How to treat yourself with care and love even when you screw up.

Your “toddler brain” wants to make you happy. Even though it sometimes strays you further away from your goals, treat it kindly. You’ll find that it will return the favor.


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