Ep 9: Negative Self-Talk Isn't Helping You Reach Your Goals


3/1/21 | 17:19| Episode 9

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If you’re like most people, your mind is running a movie every day inside your head.

It’s crafting stories that you believe are true. Problem is, it’s often talking to you in a negative way. It’s accusing you of saying the wrong thing, eating too much, drinking too much. For not following through on your goals.

It’s like you have a drill sergeant as a roommate, who never shuts up, and never sleeps.

It’s making you feel shame, and makes you feel like you’re flawed. In the end, you beat yourself up, and you enter a vicious cycle of negative self-talk that sabotages your goals. And then you go to food for comfort.

It’s why I want you to listen to today’s episode, in which I go over:

  • What exactly is negative talk and when it shows up.

  • How is negative self-talk sabotaging your goals, whatever they may be.

  • Ways in which you can free yourself from its grip.

The first step towards dealing with that voice between your ears, is to acknowledge it. And to do that, you need to be aware of your thoughts.

That voice that easily turns to negative self-talk, is most often on autopilot mode. You don’t even know that it is running in the background.

Slowly, it creeps into your consciousness and makes you believe things about yourself that prevent you from achieving your goals.

How can you achieve anything if you think you’re not worthy of happiness and freedom? So, start listening to the thoughts your mind is churning away.

Only then you’ll be able to choose whether to believe they’re true or not. More often than not, you’ll find that they aren’t.


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