Ep 55: How to Stick to Your Plan Part 2


02/14/22 | 20:28 | Episode 55

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Want to know the best way to love yourself this Valentine’s Day?

Try T R U S T. 

Trust is the unequivocal pathway to self-love and I’m going to teach you how to start to grow it with yourself on today’s episode because, let’s be honest… you probably don’t trust yourself when it comes to food or following through on your health goals, amiright?

Highlights from this Episode

  • Understanding your 'Why' is paramount in behavioral change.

  • Learning the 4 steps on how to stick into the plan after establishing your "Why".

  1. Decide

  2. Commit

  3. Plan

  4. Honor

  • Learn the secret to follow through


FREE What Type of Overeater Are You? Quiz

Learn to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not

Connect with Lia Pinelli


Ep 56: My Transformation Story: How I Became Someone New with Food


Ep 54: How to Stick to Your Plan Part 1